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Space Maintainers

space maintainers in pediatric dentistry | Anjidental Care

Space Maintainers for Children: Preserving Dental Alignment and Oral Health

Space maintainers are dental devices used in pediatric dentistry to preserve the spaces left by prematurely lost primary (baby) teeth. These devices help prevent shifting and crowding of the remaining teeth, promoting proper dental alignment and facilitating the eruption of permanent teeth. Dr. Anji Dental care provides an overview of space maintainers in pediatric dentistry, including their purpose, types, benefits, considerations, placement procedure, and post-placement care.

space maintainers in pediatric dentistry | Anji Dentl care

Purpose of Space Maintainers

The primary purpose of space maintainers in pediatric dentistry is to preserve the natural spaces between primary teeth after the premature loss of a tooth due to decay, trauma, or extraction. When a primary tooth is lost prematurely, the surrounding teeth can drift or tilt into the empty space, potentially leading to alignment issues, crowding, and malocclusion. Space maintainers prevent these problems by holding the space open until the permanent tooth is ready to erupt. By maintaining proper spacing, space maintainers promote healthy dental development, facilitate the eruption of permanent teeth in their correct positions, and minimize the need for orthodontic interventions in the future.

Types of Space Maintainers

The types of space maintainers in Orthodontics includes the following:

Fixed Space Maintainers:

Band and Loop Maintainers: Consist of a metal band fitted around a tooth adjacent to the empty space, with a wire loop extending into the space to hold it open.

Distal Shoe Maintainers: These space maintainers in pediatric dentistry are used when the primary second molar is lost before the eruption of the permanent first molar. It involves placing a metal wire or shoe beneath the gumline to guide the incoming permanent molar into place.

Lingual Arch Maintainers: Utilize a metal wire that is bonded to the lingual surfaces of the teeth on either side of the empty space, maintaining space and preventing the crowding of teeth.

Removable Space Maintainers:

Partial Dentures: Removable appliances that replace one or more missing teeth and include artificial teeth and clasps to hold them in place.

Trans palatal Arch: It is also a fixed space maintainer that consists of a wire that spans across the roof of the mouth, maintaining space and preventing lateral movement of teeth.

Benefits of Space Maintainers in Pediatric Dentistry

Space maintainers in pediatric dentistry offer several benefits for children’s oral health and dental development:

Prevents Dental Crowding: By preserving the spaces between primary teeth, space maintainers help prevent crowding and misalignment of permanent teeth, reducing the need for orthodontic treatment later in life.

Facilitates Eruption of Permanent Teeth: Space maintainers in pediatric dentistry guide the eruption of permanent teeth into their appropriate positions, ensuring a well-aligned and functional dentition.

Maintains Proper Oral Function: By preserving the proper alignment and spacing of teeth, space maintainers support proper biting, chewing, and speech development in children.

Preserves Facial Aesthetics: The different types of space maintainers in Orthodontics maintain the natural shape and alignment of the jaw and facial structures, contributing to a pleasing smile and facial appearance.

Placement Procedure and Post-Placement Care

Placement Procedure:

Initial Evaluation: The pediatric dentist performs a comprehensive examination, including X-rays, to assess the need for a space maintainer and determine the appropriate type for the specific situation.

Tooth Preparation: If necessary, any remaining decay or infection in the affected tooth is treated. The tooth adjacent to the empty space is prepared by placing a band around it for fixed space maintainers or taking impressions for removable space maintainers.

Custom Fabrication: Fixed space maintainers in pediatric dentistry are custom-made in a dental laboratory using impressions taken from the patient’s mouth. Removable space maintainers may be fabricated in-office or by a dental lab.

Placement and Adjustment: Once the space maintainer is ready, the best space maintainers doctors in Chennai place it in the child’s mouth and make necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit.

Post-Placement Care:

Oral Hygiene: Children should maintain proper oral hygiene by brushing their teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily. Extra care should be taken to clean around the space maintainer.

Dietary Considerations: Avoid sticky or hard foods that can dislodge or damage the space maintainer. Encourage a balanced diet rich in nutritious foods to support dental and overall health.

Regular Dental Check-ups: Routine dental visits are essential to monitor the condition of the space maintainer, ensure proper functioning, and address any issues that may arise.

Early Detection of Problems: Caregivers should promptly report any discomfort, irritation, or looseness of the space maintainer to the best space maintainers doctors in Chennai for evaluation and necessary adjustments or repairs.

What is a space maintainer in pediatric dentistry?

A space maintainer is a dental device used in pediatric dentistry to preserve the space left by a prematurely lost primary (baby) tooth. These devices help prevent adjacent teeth from shifting into the vacant space, ensuring proper alignment for the eruption of permanent teeth.

When is a space maintainer recommended for a child?

Space maintainers are typically recommended when a primary tooth is lost earlier than normal, either due to decay, injury, or other reasons. The aim is to prevent potential orthodontic issues by preserving the space needed for the eruption of permanent teeth, thus avoiding complications like crowding or misalignment.

What is the duration for which a child should wear a space maintainer?

The duration a child needs to wear a space maintainer varies based on individual cases. It is determined by factors such as the child’s age, the specific tooth involved, and the anticipated eruption time of the permanent tooth. Regular follow-up appointments with the pediatric dentist are essential to monitor the child’s dental development and assess the need for continued use or removal of the space maintainer.


To conclude, space maintainers in pediatric dentistry play a crucial role in pediatric dentistry by preserving the spaces left by prematurely lost primary teeth. By preventing dental crowding, guiding the eruption of permanent teeth, and maintaining oral function, space maintainers contribute to optimal dental development and minimize the need for orthodontic interventions. You have to approach the expert dentist at Dr. Anji Dental Care for a regular dental care and proper maintenance of space maintainers as they are essential for long-term oral health benefits in children.

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